Introduction from Authoress N.L. Hudson

Good Afternoon!

My name is Authoress, N.L. Hudson. I'm a one year author, who has penned a total of six titles. They are all of the same genre and sub-genre, which are: African American Literature (also can be known as Urban fiction), Women's fiction, and Romance. All have a literary twist. I will list the current titles that I have published at the end of this blog. For now, I would like to further introduce myself and how I stepped into the literature industry.

When I was a child, I was not big on reading at all. I didn't like anything related to it, and no one could get me to pick up a book. But what I could say that I enjoy doing was writing. I'd write little poems that expressed my mood at the moment. They would be no more than half a page in length, but I still took great pleasure in writing them. Also, I was an aspiring music writer. Now, my songs aren't anything that I'm going to share because when I think back on it, they were probably the silliest songs that I could drum up. I was a kid, so then it was okay, but now thinking back on it, they were pretty bad. At any rate, I stated that to bring you to my next point. I've always like to write. It didn't matter what the topic, I could find anything to write about. Fast forward to my teenage years, and I was introduced to my first Urban Fiction book. It was a novel titled, The Coldest Winter ever that was written by Sistah Souljah. I had found the book in my house one day while cleaning. I figured it had to be my mom's book because she was an avid reader.

Okay, so I get this book, and I scan the pages. To myself, I'm thinking I like the cover, but I'm not going to read this thing. There was no way possible that I'd complete it. But then one day after I had written all that I could think of, I became incredibly bored. I was an only child for the longest, so often times I was alone whenever my mom was working. Therefore, I'd have to create my own entertainment. Alright, back to the book. So, I pick up the book, and I start to scan through the pages.  I wasn't sure why I had even picked it up. However, as I'm looking over the first few pages, I began to actually enjoy the way the writer describes things. At that point, I was like okay this seems interesting. Therefore, I read a few more pages. By that time, I'd say maybe thirty minutes had gone by, and surprisingly enough I'm still in this book. I keep reading, and by the time I finally finish take a break for the night, I realize that a few hours had gone by.While preparing myself for bed, all I could think of is how I'd read my first book on my own. There, of course, had been plenty books that I'd read at the advisement of teachers, but they were all part of obtaining my grades. This book though, it was something that I had engaged with on my own, and I couldn't deny that it was a good feeling. It was funny because I would have never thought that I'd feel that way about reading. Unexpectantly I had, and guess what the very next morning when I awoke, I had my face right back in that book. And what was better is that it was summer time, so I didn't have to worry about going to school. I was able to enjoy that book in the confines of my room. What it did for me was captured my attention, allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone, and allowed me to picture myself right there with the characters. Not necessarily in the story, but it gave me this feeling as though I was watching a movie. When I finally finished the book in its entirety, I was left wanting more. That story had taken me through so many emotions, and yet I still craved what the next one would do to me. So you know what, I went on a mission to seek out my next read.

At that time, there weren't e-books, it was only paperbacks. Therefore, you either had to visit a library or one of the online bookselling sites. Considering that I didn't have a car because I was only in the eleventh grade, I was left to seek out the online sources. There was this one website called Black Expressions, but the thing was you had to be eighteen to join. So, I went to mom and told her about my new likeness for reading. It took her by total shock. She couldn't believe her daughter that swore she'd never find an interest in reading was admitting that she'd read her first story. Alright, so after the shock wore off, I asked if she could sign up for the Black Expression deal for me. Well, I guess luck was on my side because come to find out, my mom had already signed up for it. In fact, she had several more books right where that Coldest Winter had come from. When she introduced me to those other novels, I became like a kid in a candy store. I was beyond excited. She had all sorts of books. So, I took a whole stack of them and began to fish out the ones I thought I might want to read. Once I did that, I chose my next story to get lost in, and from there I was hooked.

Over the years, I've read so many books by so many authors that it's too many to count. Some have been great, some have been not so great. But overall I can say that I've had a great reading experience. My top five authors of all time are Kimberla Lawson Roby, Carl Webber, Mary Monroe, Mary B. Morrison and new age authoress, Nicole Jackson. Those five people, I can say that I've read almost all of their books. And that's not to say that I don't enjoy other author works because I do. Those are just the ones that I look to read their work whenever I take a break from my writing.

Alright, so now that you have my backstory, I'd like to tell you how I became published. So, if you recall I mentioned earlier that I loved to write, and then I realized how much I loved to read. Well, one day as I'm reading this story, and I won't mention the name because it's not essential. The epiphany I had while reading it, is what's important. Anyway, so I'm reading this book, and I notice all these things that I didn't like about the story. By the way, it wasn't a terrible story, but I just felt it was missing a few key pieces. I'm talking to myself, and I say I would have done this if I were the author or I would have left that out. I mean I'm going on and on about what I would have done differently. If you're an avid reader, then you understand what I mean about talking to the characters. So, I finish it, and just like all the other times, I began to look for my next read. However, something at that moment clicked for me. I was like, how about you try to write your own book? Now, I'd written short stories, poems, songs and made up several stories inside my head. So, I began to wonder, why can't I write my own story? My husband had mentioned it several times, but I'd never taken it into consideration. I was older now, so I didn't think that I'd be able to write a book. Well, unbeknownst to myself and a few more people, I was actually able to create one. The very first complete novel that I began on was untitled at first. I couldn't think of a name for it, but I did have a plot, and I had my characters. So, I started to write this story and I mean the characters are really speaking to me. Therefore, I continue to write. One page turned into ten, those ten turned into twenty, and by the time I realized that I'm actually typing this much, I've completed almost six chapters.

At this point, I'm so excited because I was actually writing a book. So, I go to my husband, and I tell him about it. I then, start to read what I had so far, and he became totally engrossed. When I finished, he was like "go for it baby!" Those were his exact words to me. Alright, so I began to search for publishers. I sent in my submissions to a few that I felt would be a good fit for me. Well, I heard back from all, but I think one. I talked it over with my husband and my mother, and we began to narrow it down to the best choices. And that's when I decided to go with my current publisher, which is Natavia Presents. She's also an author with many titles under her belt. I've been with her ever since September of last year.

Now, as I've mentioned before, I have a total of six published books. Also, I have my seventh book that I'm working on, and a few more manuscripts that haven't been released. This journey for me has been enjoyable. However, at the same time, it's proven the many challenges that go along with writing. Thankfully though, I see that this is a real passion of mine, so I have no intentions of giving up. Next year, I feel as though it will be my year. And I plan to walk with you guys along that journey if you'll allow me to.

Alright, so that is my introductions. As I stated at the beginning, down below, you'll see the titles that I currently have available. All are on Amazon, Goodreads, Barnes & Noble and any other online source you can think of. Also, they are listed on my website, which is

Thank you, guys for reading, and I'll be back soon.

*Feel free to chime in at any time with suggestions, topics, questions, or anything that you will like to discuss.

                                               Authoress N.L. Hudson Catalog

-Love In The Deep South: A Memphis Hood Tale (Books 1-3)
-All I Ever Wanted Was A Love Like Yours (Standalone Novel)
-I Was Everything He Wanted (Book 1 of 2)
-All I Ever Wanted Was to Stay Down for You (Spinoff novel, also standalone book)


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